Dostoyevsky on film Archive

There are a number of characters in literature that exhibit supreme goodness in their behavior and a knightly sense of duty and compassion towards others. We know a true hero is someone who selflessly helps others achieve their goals...'
There are two kinds of people: those who can only read or watch a book or film once, and those who delight in returning to certain works, whether they be favorites or those that they did not immediately connect...'
Unless you’re a film buff, you’d be forgiven for not having an awareness of art house cinema. My own knowledge of the genre is fairly limited, as my interest in it was only piqued after watching Lars Von Trier’s...
There are more questions than answers when it comes to the mystery of the missing screenwriter, Robert Hurley’s. His disappearance has not only haunted the cast and crew of Notes from the New World but it has spawned two...
Film is a fascinating medium. There’s nothing about it that doesn’t draw the eye and ignite the imagination. People adore every facet of movies and movie-making: from entertaining trivia to exhaustive details of how the film came to life....
Fyodor Dostoyevsky and cinema have a long and complicated history. There have been dozens of adaptations of his work over the years with filmmakers trying to capture the unique sensibility that makes the Russian author so compelling. His rich...
Film adaptations are a tricky thing: they can be complete disasters that shame the source material, or they can leave you thinking about the original content in a whole new way. This problem is compounded when filmmakers attempt modern...
Click here to read this blog in English. Buongiorno fedeli lettori.  Ho avuto una settimana difficile perché non riuscivo proprio a trovare qualcosa d’interessante da scrivere.  Non volevo continuare a tormentarvi con gli stessi film e con le stesse...