If what Hurley said was true, and there really is an underground society called “Dark Onto Light”, then we have every right to be afraid. The missing screenwriter’s research into the group seems to divulge various secrets that the...
There are a number of characters in literature that exhibit supreme goodness in their behavior and a knightly sense of duty and compassion towards others. We know a true hero is someone who selflessly helps others achieve their goals...
A Shot from David Lynch's Mulholland Drive, part of our neo-noir survey
So what’s this neo-noir thing, you’ll ask? Film noir as we know it today was a label attached to films with common themes and plot devices that were predominantly produced between 1941’s The Maltese Falcon and 1958’s Touch of...
In hindsight, debating the merits of the film noir canon will inevitably shape the way we see both the works that defined it and those that, perhaps indirectly, influenced its ambiance and unique visual flair. For all intents and...
How much of a film noir fan are you? Are you the occasional viewer, who has seen classics like Touch of Evil and The Third Man, and can spot a few leading antiheroes and heroines of the time? Are...
A shot from the 1947 film noir Odd Man Out
It’s very sobering and equally humbling to see how often ahead of the curve noir films were at their artistic height in the 1940s, despite having been produced in days of great social upheaval and turmoil. Or perhaps because...
   Welcome back to the Dostoyevsky-BTS blog faithful readers and hello to all glorious newcomers! Previously I discussed Dostoyevsky’s influence on British Edwardian writers such as Woolf and Forster. Today I shall endeavor to discuss an American writer by the...