Dostoevsky Reimagined – BTS Archive

Dostoevsky. The name alone conjures up a cascade of words: Mystery. Morality. Russia. Faith. Doubt. Goodness. Corruption. Murder. Redemption. His writings offer many rewards, many treasures, but to discover them the uninitiated must often pass through a shroud of...'
Hello to all you, beautiful readers and listeners! Welcome to another enthralling discussion from Dostoevsky Reimagined – Los Angeles! Once again my goal is to raise awareness of VM Productions to films, Notes from the New World,  Shades of...
Zen and existentialism appear to be bitterly opposite philosophies. At least that how perceptions appear to those who don’t delve deeply into either philosophies. Those perceptions do harm opinions about the philosophies. Zen theory suffers from the stereotypical depiction...
Meet our post production team and find out what they think has really happened to our missing screenwriter Robert Hurley.   Deborah Hockey Hello! I’m one of the Post Production Team at VMP Productions. I write blogs and Facebook...
Ever since the disappearance of our screenwriter, Robert Hurley, the website for our latest film, Dostoevsky Reimagined (, has been plagued by a steady onslaught of intrusions and invasions. When VMP blogger and researcher, Lauren Saccone, was initially trying...
Hollywood has had an obsession with, well, Hollywood. While shooting in the Hollywood/L.A area  is an obviously smart business move, you may run into problems where your movies may be seen as something by-Hollywood-for-Hollywood that celebrates the industry. (An...