Notes from the New World Archive

When Robert Hurley disappeared, the journal found in his apartment raised serious questions about the life he had been leading. Journal entries suggested he had become involved with a prostitute and the Russian mafia. But was he really? Hurley...
Award-winning filmmaker Vitaly Sumin keeps his influences close to his heart. While many filmmakers try to diminish (or outright deny) the books and movies which helped shape their art, Sumin has always proudly shared his enthusiasm and love for...
Film is a fascinating medium. There’s nothing about it that doesn’t draw the eye and ignite the imagination. People adore every facet of movies and movie-making: from entertaining trivia to exhaustive details of how the film came to life....
Recently, the subject of American Politics has gotten me thinking about Dostoevsky and his known work. As many people know, Rand Paul, a senator from Kentucky, is running for president. As some may also know, Paul and his family...
     Russian classics tend to be steeped in Russian philosophy, thus revealing the mindsets of Russian culture at the time in the same way an English novel might reveal the social structures and customs of the time in...
Fyodor Dostoyevsky and cinema have a long and complicated history. There have been dozens of adaptations of his work over the years with filmmakers trying to capture the unique sensibility that makes the Russian author so compelling. His rich...
In Notes from the New World, The Poor Guy (Nathanael Theisen) is method acting as the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky for a play he’s been commissioned to play in. The Rich Guy (Jerry Prager) is the one commissioning The...