Russian Classics Archive

Dostoyevsky Reimagined isn’t the first vlog I’ve experience with. I had one before which consisted of a new friend coming on each episode, rating the aesthetic of celebrities, engaging in random general chat… & there was rubbish CGI (Computer-generated...
    In the Russian classic, Notes from the Underground, Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s ‘Underground Man’, the narrating protagonist, recalls a traumatic experience he’d endured involving a young woman called Liza. Underground Man talks of how, after failing to present himself as...
Los Angeles… Sunset Boulevard… January… I walked up the steps that came off the street into the classic old hotel. It was the kind of place I’d expect writer/director Vitaly Sumin to be conducting a private screening of his...
Award-winning filmmaker Vitaly Sumin keeps his influences close to his heart. While many filmmakers try to diminish (or outright deny) the books and movies which helped shape their art, Sumin has always proudly shared his enthusiasm and love for...
     Russian classics tend to be steeped in Russian philosophy, thus revealing the mindsets of Russian culture at the time in the same way an English novel might reveal the social structures and customs of the time in...
In Notes from the New World, The Poor Guy (Nathanael Theisen) is method acting as the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky for a play he’s been commissioned to play in. The Rich Guy (Jerry Prager) is the one commissioning The...