One of the most intriguing ideas of Western Literature is that of the doppelganger: the double, the evil twin, the mischievous imposter who steals away our identity or corrupts our reputation, whether in broad daylight or under cover of...
For all the amazing screenwriters that have graced audiences with their written words come to life on screen, some of the most amazing stories are the real ones that seem too unreal to be true. Stranger than fiction documentaries...
While not considered an existentialist himself, Fyodor Dostoevsky is widely regarded as a founder of the movement. His notable existential works and writings inspired a new way of thinking and style of storytelling that changed the literary world and...
“The highest and most characteristic trait of our people is the sense of justice and its thirst.”   ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky The summer of 2020 has us waiting in an infinite loop for new movies, such as Christopher Nolan’s much...
Despite oftentimes being sticky, whiny, and chaotic beings, children, and even adults, are all connected and should be treated as such. Missing people is a serious matter, but let’s take a lighter approach since the world is starker than...
Every example of storytelling, at its root, stems from themes and ideas presented by classic literature. While every show and movie may not be modern adaptations from classic literature, the literature inspires them. Fyodor Dostoevsky is no stranger to...
Last month, Capone garnered mixed reviews upon its VOD release. Many viewers felt disappointed with the outcome. Despite these opinions, there is no doubt that mob films are still as prevalent as they always have. Organized crime infatuates filmmakers,...
Lynn Shelton, an incredibly distinct and beautiful voice in independent film, passed away unexpectedly on May 16, 2020 of an undiagnosed blood disorder. She left behind an important legacy for the art of independent film, and was an inspiration...
An incredible amount of films are book-to-movie adaptations. Some of the highest grossing films, like Avengers: Endgame and Gone with the Wind, are sourced from other material. Apocalypse Now is a twisted book-to-movie adaptation based on Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart...