Dostoevsky. The name alone conjures up a cascade of words: Mystery. Morality. Russia. Faith. Doubt. Goodness. Corruption. Murder. Redemption. His writings offer many rewards, many treasures, but to discover them the uninitiated must often pass through a shroud of...
“World’s Best Boss” Do you describe the word “Boss” as something “really cool” or as the “jerk in charge”? If it’s the latter, there’s a chance you’re either an employee at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company in Scranton, PA. On...
Patience Griswald crafted a thought-provoking article titled “How Would Dostoevsky Have Responded to the Smartphone?” In the article, Griswald noted that Brothers Karamazov painted a picture of a “lonely and isolated” (then contemporary) Russia. Parallels do exist between the...'
Hello to all you, beautiful readers and listeners! Welcome to another enthralling discussion from Dostoevsky Reimagined – Los Angeles! Once again my goal is to raise awareness of VM Productions to films, Notes from the New World,  Shades of...
The Dream For me, one of the most startling and moving passages in Crime and Punishment comes in Part One, Chapter Five. Wandering around St.Petersburg, contemplating the murder of pawnbroker Alyona Ivanonva, Raskolnikov falls into a vodka-induced sleep and...
A unique approach to acting, writing, and directing often effectively comes together to craft the conventions of the film noir. The cinematography and lighting that present the stylistic black-and-white imagery create the dark world film noir embraces. Bright lights...
  Long before Bogart could capture audiences’ attention in the cinema, his image on a poster was necessary to inform crowds of an upcoming release. Film noir posters — ironically — must be noir-like while avoiding the essential element...
Hardly anyone remembers the controversial 1970 documentary Chariots of the Gods. The feature hit movie screens with a ton of controversy. The documentary’s subject matter was “way, way out there.” The film attempted to pose the following question seriously:...