Author Description


British freelance writer and self confessed film addict, history lover and horror fanatic.

Our Christmas competition is the biggest we have ever done! For the first time, we are running our exciting competition across 3 of our social media sites for two weeks only, meaning all Instagram, Twitter and Facebook users can...
Oscar Wilde once said, “Life imitates art far more than art imitates life”.  This is a saying we at VM Productions know to be uncomfortably true. When director Vitaly Sumin wanted to explore this theory in the plot of...
Our monthly competitions attract entries from across the globe, and this month’s competition winner was Deborah, who is from one of Britain’s most unusual places- UFO hotspot Bonnybridge in Scotland.   If you’re interested in the unexplained, then read...
Our missing screenwriter Robert Hurley left a message saying he had ‘imaginary friends’ that were connected to the ancient cult Dark onto Light. Here are the next 7 of of the 14 figures that Hurley classes as his ‘imaginary...
Meet our post production team and find out what they think has really happened to our missing screenwriter Robert Hurley.   Deborah Hockey Hello! I’m one of the Post Production Team at VMP Productions. I write blogs and Facebook...
Our missing screenwriter Robert Hurley left blog entries and a diary before his disappearance. In these entries, Hurley spoke of an ancient and secret cult called Dark Onto Light and listed a group of people he called his ‘imaginary...