Clicca qui per leggere questo blog in italiano   Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky lived in Russia in the 19th century. An era of diseases and conflicts where any form of art could represent an escape from reality and might change...
Click here to read this blog in English. Buongiorno fedeli lettori.  Ho avuto una settimana difficile perché non riuscivo proprio a trovare qualcosa d’interessante da scrivere.  Non volevo continuare a tormentarvi con gli stessi film e con le stesse...
Добрый вечер! Меня зовут Алиса и это мой первый блог для VM Productions. Я совсем недавно начала работать с VM Productions и я очень рада и горда тем, что у меня появилась такая невероятная возможность принять участие в процессе...
Clicca qui per leggere questo blog in italiano   Good morning my fellow readers. I had a tough writing week; I just couldn’t find anything interesting to write. I didn’t want to keep hammer you with the same films...