Hollywood has had an obsession with, well, Hollywood. While shooting in the Hollywood/L.A area  is an obviously smart business move, you may run into problems where your movies may be seen as something by-Hollywood-for-Hollywood that celebrates the industry. (An...
For me, Dostoyevsky is the ability to forgive, to accept people as they are. The clarity of the images. The clarity of the idea. The depth of the idea. The internal dynamics. Whether Dostoyevsky is suitable for a film...
Classic literature is a favourite among the old and young alike, with many modern adaptations from classic literature hitting our big screen over the years it’s clear to see the demand for movies based around praised and recognisable literary...
“The door from the next room suddenly opened with a timid, quiet creak, as if thus announcing the entrance of a very insignificant person…” In 1846 a 25-year old Dostoyevsky published his second novel. Titled The Double, the novella...
Why are you here, in LA? “The City of Angels,” also called “The Capital of World Entertainment,” boasts a unique concentration of technical facilities (studios, labs, equipment rental houses, etc.) and an enormous pool of talent and skilled technicians...
Note to Our Readers: The following entry is a combination of two blogs that were lost during our website’s server crash. Luckily, I have managed to restore them. If you were fortunate enough to read The Missing Screenwriter: Anomalies and...
 Actress Natasha Blasick is being seen around the world in Notes From The New World as the film screens in festivals and wins awards. The movie had its North American premiere at the Crest Theater in Los Angeles, California...