As aquatically conscious rapper Mick Jenkins would say: “water [is] more important than gold.” This could not be a truer fact, especially in today’s age of climate change. Being a lifelong resident of the Los Angeles area, I am...
“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” –Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist Fun Facts: Translated into at least 67 languages since the year 2009 Coelho wrote the novel in just two weeks, claiming that...
Many people are familiar with Fyodor Dostoyevsky, the literary genius whose works are almost synonymous with Russia herself. Those who are fans also may be aware of his beloved older brother Mikhail Mikhailovich, a year older and close friends...'
Dear Readers, This is an electrifying account of a belated literary discovery. Traditionally when I think of Dostoevsky I do not immediately think of Shakespeare. I imagine people don’t tend to associate Russian classics with 16th century British playwriting. That...
Recently I was moderating the Dostoyevsky-BTS Pinterest account, and I came across an interesting message from a user with the Pinterest profile name HadesIsDoomed. The message said, simply, “Not Dostoyevsky!” I had to investigate. It turns out that HadesIsDoomed...
Happy Valentine’s Day from everyone at VM Productions! February is the month that prompts many to think about love, though not always in the most positive light. Some bask in the romantic traditions of Valentine’s Day while others heartily...
“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” -Louisa May Alcott, Little Women Fun Facts: Loosely based on the lives of author Louisa May Alcott and her three sisters. Alcott proceeded the novel...
Takeshi Kitano’s Dolls (2002) weaves the stories of three couples together with a poignant thematic thread. Told in a series of overlapping vignettes Kitano artfully emphasizes the notion of love remaining constant despite an equally constant hardship. The introductory...
I hate to admit this, loyal VM Productions‘ fans, but all has not been well within the team as of late. There has been some internal strife and debate. There have been disagreements. It’s made things a bit awkward,...