Dostoyevsky Reimagined Archive

     Russian classics tend to be steeped in Russian philosophy, thus revealing the mindsets of Russian culture at the time in the same way an English novel might reveal the social structures and customs of the time in...
Fyodor Dostoyevsky and cinema have a long and complicated history. There have been dozens of adaptations of his work over the years with filmmakers trying to capture the unique sensibility that makes the Russian author so compelling. His rich...
Film adaptations are a tricky thing: they can be complete disasters that shame the source material, or they can leave you thinking about the original content in a whole new way. This problem is compounded when filmmakers attempt modern...
In Notes from the New World, The Poor Guy (Nathanael Theisen) is method acting as the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky for a play he’s been commissioned to play in. The Rich Guy (Jerry Prager) is the one commissioning The...