Once upon a time, in a land not-so-far away, a filmmaker moved to LA to become a big hit in Hollywood. He/She had dreams… Well, we all heard this story. However, we often don’t hear the end of it....
“There are strange things that are taking place in this world” – Robert Hurley aka. “The Missing Screenwriter” Robert Hurley wrote these words on his website before he disappeared and became “the Missing Screenwriter”. In this article, we will...
Unknown is attractive. Thus, throughout history, people were always drawn to the unknown. In fact, the cinema world created a genre called “mystery”, as well as behind-the-scenes to honor the unknown. What is going on behind the closed doors?...
We have all seen news of the devastating Russian invasion of Ukraine. On February 24th, Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine, causing major escalation within the Russo-Ukrainian war. The Russian build up to this invasion has been ongoing since early...