Vitaly Sumin Archive

 Actress Natasha Blasick is being seen around the world in Notes From The New World as the film screens in festivals and wins awards. The movie had its North American premiere at the Crest Theater in Los Angeles, California...
A Portrait of Dostoyevsky
We’ll admit it right off the bat: when we started collecting data for this humongous list of films adapted from Dostoyevsky novels, we never expected it to reach these numbers: we have found a whopping 124 films that were...
Last week, with Vitaly Sumin’s help, I uncovered the missing pages from Hurley’s journal. They were locked up in a safety deposit box that was supposedly purchased by Hurley himself. It’s been over seven years since the screenwriter went...
Good news. Just last week, I received word that our missing screenwriter owns a safety deposit box at a bank in Culver City. Vitaly Sumin contacted me recently with some surprising information. He’s the only other person who is...
NOTE TO NEW READERS: This blog post is part of an ongoing series explaining the mystery of Robert Hurley, which we investigate in our film, Dostoyevsky Reimagined: The Making of the Award-Winning Notes from the New World. Follow the links below...'
   Welcome back to the Dostoyevsky-BTS blog faithful readers and hello to all glorious newcomers! Previously I discussed Dostoyevsky’s influence on British Edwardian writers such as Woolf and Forster. Today I shall endeavor to discuss an American writer by the...